02. Introduction

Lesson Overview

Course Map

Welcome! This course covers the React Native framework. Here's a quick breakdown of what the course looks like:

  • Lesson 1 illustrates the benefits of using React Native to build native applications, as well as how to set up an effective dev environment.
  • Lesson 2 compares the main ideological and API differences between React and React Native.
  • Lesson 3 details styling and layout patterns for React Native applications.
  • Lesson 4 examines routing patterns and strategies.
  • Lesson 5 introduces native functionality (e.g., geolocation, notifications, etc.) and preparation of applications for the app store.

In-Class Project

During this course, you'll follow along and create a daily fitness-tracking application, UdaciFitness. You'll tie in what you've learned from React Fundamentals as well as React & Redux, then leverage React Native to create a fully functional mobile application!